exhibition 2021-2022

exhibition 2021 cosmos

Cosmos 2021 digital art now available on opensea.io the collection consists of 10 original digital art works.

cosmos 2

11-20 universal expansion

Cosmos 3

21-30 final of the series deep space


universal thermal power solution

universal thermal power solution is a registered business in Australia

Our focus is to have a tangible product with real world value through our NFT digital art exhibitions

NFT ‘s are a non fungible token held in your digital wallet on the blockchain, acquisition through polygon and accessed through opensea.io at directortoken-nft 

Our NFT’s are unique 

  • tangible value
  • tradable for company shares
  • company buy back (2026-28)
  • random air drop of DiR tokens
  • awesome digital art


Our limited edition NFT’s are very unique 

  • tangible value
  • tradable for company shares
  • equal value DiR tokens allocation
  • As an owner of the NFT limited edition you become part of the company
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